Help spread mindfulness and uplift communities- Sponsor a TMC Educational Diversity Scholarship today!

Every Child Thrives

a mindfulness in education initiative

Providing Stress-Relief and Mindfulness-Based programs for educators, students and school communities

Redefining Education

the need for mindfulness in education

One teacher can change the arc of a child’s life. Mindfulness lays that foundation. Mindfulness in schools not only helps students to manage stressful and sometimes traumatic experiences, it can also help teachers! Evidence shows that mindfulness in schools impacts students’ social and emotional well-being, enhancing resilience and both mental and physical health as well as academic outcomes, learning and cognition. Research also emphasizes the need for teachers and administrators to learn mindfulness themselves and establish their own practice in order to effectively cultivate a school culture of mindfulness.”

Our mindfulness programs are teaching students social, emotional, and other lifelong empowerment skills

  • Attention and focus.
  • Better grades.
  • More effective emotion regulation.
  • Better behavior in school.
  • Greater empathy and perspective-taking.
  • Better social skills.
  • Reduced test anxiety.
  • Less stress.

Your contributions big or small help Children 
and teachers thrive.

Functional changes in brain physiology results from mindfulness meditation

  • The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is activated by mindfulness meditation and shows growth over time of practice. The ACC regulates self-awareness, self-regulation and self-control. Deficits in ACC are associated with attention-deficit and hyperactivity, whereas growth of the ACC stimulated by mindfulness meditation is associated with enhanced self-regulation, executive functioning and cognitive performance as well as improved mood and social engagement.

  • Research shows enhanced functioning and growth in the regions of the prefrontal cortex following mindfulness meditation. This region of the brain is associated with maturity, including regulating emotions and behaviors and making wise decisions.

  • Mindfulness meditation is associated with increased density of grey matter in the hippocampal brain regions, associated with improved learning and memory

  • Mindfulness meditation helps to deactivate the amygdala which regulates strong emotions such as fear and anxiety, allowing parasympathetic regulation of the relaxation response, greater open-mindedness and attention regulation.”

If You Or Your Business Are Interested In Being A Sponsor Of This Program, Please Contact Us.

Your Contributions Big Or Small Help Children And Teachers Thrive.